CAPGAN industry grants/sponsorship guidance; version 1.0: April 13th 2022

1. Industry refers to all commercial enterprises including pharmaceutical, medical device and infant formula companies.

2. CAPGAN accepts support from industry for educational, scientific, research and professional activities that are consistent with the society’s purpose as stated in the Constitution.

3. Acceptance of funds, materials or other support must be subject to an agreement defining the relationship, its duration and the responsibilities of the respective parties and signed by the principal parties.

4. Acceptance by CAPGAN of funds, materials or other support from industry does not imply endorsement of any product(s) or that CAPGAN will use its influence to support a company’s commercial activity.

5. The CAPGAN logo may not be used in any way that indicates or suggests endorsement of a particular product, brand or company or of a company’s policies unless explicit consent is given by CAPGAN.

Special considerations for infant formula companies

6. CAPGAN is fully supportive of the WHO International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes1 and subsequent World Health Assembly resolutions2 on ending inappropriate promotion of foods for infants and young children.

7. CAPGAN will not accept funds, materials or any other support from companies that market infant formulas or breast-milk substitutes that have the potential to negatively impact on breastfeeding.

8. CAPGAN recognises the critical role that industry plays in addressing the nutritional requirements for infants and children with specific intestinal and nutrition disorders and is keen to actively engage with such companies, including receipt of funding, where this is considered consistent with the society’s purpose and with the WHO International Code and subsequent resolutions.

9. When invited to participate in conferences, educational events or similar activities convened by other societies, CAPGAN will request information from the host society/societies regarding industry sponsorship or other financial support and, on a case-by-case basis of that information, consider participating in their activities including any seminars, continual professional development or similar sessions within conference programmes.

10. CAPGAN will not accept funds, materials or any other support from companies that market infant formulas or breast-milk substitutes that have the potential to negatively impact on breastfeeding.

World Health Organization. International code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1981. Accessed 28 Jan 2020

World Health Organization. Guidance on ending the inappropriate promotion of foods for infants and young children. WHO website. Accessed 28 Jan 2020.
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